The Goddess Returns To Co-Create Our New Earth
Connect with like-minded people around the world… your tribe may be just around the corner!
Welcome! Goddess Returns is dedicated to anchoring Goddess Energy onto the planet by connecting like-minded people in a conscious and heart-centred, supportive way. Re-establishing the presence of the Goddess allows her energies of love, cooperation, kindness, abundance, sharing and support to flourish in our communities and personal lives. This is a sacred space where men and women are able to participate in the creation of our new Earth. Our global community is Free to Join and is a friendly and welcoming gathering place, providing a community for members to collaborate in a harmonious and uplifting environment.
Each of us is on our own spiritual path, but we are open minded and respect our differences. Goddess Returns supports ‘unity in the community’ and working together as a greater whole, inspiring our higher selves forward. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, a new era where humanity no longer feels isolated, but comes together in high vibrational communities and global unity.
The process begins by connecting with our hearts, the Earth, Source and our own intuition, as all the answers lie within. We each bring different pieces of the puzzle together. By sharing our knowledge, support and experience, we intentionally create the world in which we wish to live. Networking is primarily accomplished through the Groups and further supported with collaboration in the global Forum.
Connect ❤️ Collaborate ❤️ Create
Groups are broadly divided into categories such as Social, Soul Family Communities, Sisterhood of the Rose, Projects, and Healing etc. For further information on what the Categories mean and how Groups may be used, please see our Group Guidelines page. These gatherings are to be autonomous and the Group Creator, or Facilitator, holds the space for like-minded others to join and may set the boundaries, direction, and focus of the group. Meetings may take place either physically, where individuals must be either local or able to travel to the location, or by web/video conference. Only an internet connection is required for web conference meetings and allows for those living in isolation or at a distance to participate and start connecting.
Everything is connected and works together, like cells in a human body. We each make up and contribute to a greater whole, and smaller soul family groups may later come together to form soul family communities or new Sacred Cities of Light. We are all connected by a global web of divine Light, and we each make a difference in our new Earth society.
Networking and living together with our soul family and friends greatly accelerates the process of ascension, healing and evolvement. We are much more powerful together, using the law of attraction and focusing on manifesting our dreams and visions. Goddess Returns is a place to meet our soul friends, step into our power, and joyfully create that world we wish to live in for ourselves and greater family communities.





For thousands of years, Goddess Energy was suppressed by beings who did not serve the Light. The systematic suppression of Goddess Energy resulted in aggression, violence and war on a mass scale, along with the decimation of nature and allowed the dark agendas to flourish. In order to restore peace, balance and harmony in our society and the incredible beauty that once graced the surface of our planet, we must embody the loving, nurturing, uplifting qualities of the Goddess and engage in practices that reinstate her profound healing energy on a global level.